Last year I got JD a VR experience for Christmas and he loved it. So much so that he'd been highly anticipating the release of the Oculus Quest in May of this year. About a month ago he bought one and VR gaming has taken over the Jackson household!
This is what our dining room generally looks like now. Darkened to protect the delicate lenses of the Quest and all the furniture piled to one side to maximise play area. Also, this is a rare moment of quiet because there's usually someone in there flailing around on a VR game. I'm describing it as if I'm not one of the flailers, but I am :D
Pictured above I'm playing Beat Saber. You have a light saber in each hand and boxes fly towards you in time to music. You have to slice through the boxes in the right direction also in time to the music. I'm doing my favourite song Mr Blue Sky.
Beat Saber |
It gives you a good arm workout which leaves you with aching shoulders. It gets so vigorous that we've had to put a fan in the dining room. Beat Saber is probably my favourite game so far but there are lots of good games. List time!
Epic Roller Coaster |
Epic Roller Coaster - As you'd expect you're on a roller coaster in this game. You can choose the level of comfort from Comfortable to Fully Immersive. I've always enjoyed a fake roller coaster experience because I'm such a roller coaster wuss. Safe on my dining room chair I quite enjoy the feeling of my stomach turning as you lurch over the drop heading downward fast. There's lots of roller coasters to choose from with Dinosaur, Halloween or Zombie themes.
Superhot |
Superhot is a game we'd previously played on our Xbox. But it's way better on the Quest. The bad guys are red and everything black is something you can pick up and use as a weapon. Time only passes when you move so it's an interesting game. I'd tried it on the Xbox but wasn't very good at aiming with the controller. On the Quest I can easily play the game with no aiming problems because I'm using my own arms to aim. I shot two guys at once with a gun in each hand!!
Shadow Point is a puzzle game narrated by Patrick Stewart. You have to hold up objects (sometimes several objects at once) to cast an increasingly complicated shadow. Quest games are usually a solitary affair but through the app you can cast the Quest to a phone screen. JD and I are playing this game together taking it in turns to play/watch. We're enjoying it so far.
Raccoon Lagoon |
Raccoon Lagoon is the game I've probably played the most. It's a lot like Animal Crossing. You chop trees, mine and plant seeds to get resources to upgrade stuff. There's a host of cute animal characters you have to help with their various problems. They always want something building or rescuing. It's a nice looking game and it gets addictive.
Before you start playing the Quest you have to set up a guardian. It's a virtual wall stopping you from banging into walls or furniture. It works quite well usually but when JD was playing a game called RacketNX (basically futuristic Squash) against someone online he got so competitive he knocked everything off the top of our bookcase! Haha.
Another story which is less funny because it happened to me - I was playing a game called Ninja Legends where you have to defend yourself against waves of Ninjas attacking you. I got a bit carried away and punched the wall trying to attack a sudden onslaught. Ouch!
As well as the potential to damage your possessions when you first play the Quest it can make you feel nauseous from moving around quickly in a virtual world. It passes as you play more, we all experienced it to some degree.
Leigh and Erin love playing on the Quest. They both enjoy a game called Work Simulator where you have to perform basic work related tasks. It's pretty fun despite the name. One of the best things about VR is getting someone new to try out the VR tutorial. Watching them figure out how to do basic things like pick up a block or pull a lever. My sister Sally came over for a go and now she has her own Quest.
One of JD's favourite things to do on the Quest is to draw. He's got a program called Tilt Brush. You can draw in 3D and he's made some very creative but weird drawings in it. I'll leave you with this chicken he drew.