Saturday, January 4, 2020

Planning For The New Year 2020

Happy New Year folks!

I love the New Year, almost more than Christmas. It's not about New Year resolutions because I usually feel like those are pointless. Lots of people set them but don't carry them out longer than January. Facebook feeds are full of 'New Year, New Me' posts. I'm over here like:

And I'm happy about it. I don't want to change, I'm happy as I am. I don't want to lose weight, join a gym or stop eating chocolate. But I do want to spend the year ahead focusing on my goals.

For the last few years I've been setting myself yearly goals. Sometimes they work out (for example last year I set myself the goal of posting 50 blog posts and I did!) and sometimes they don't (for example the goal 'getting a new job' was in my my yearly goals for 3 years running before it finally happened). But whether or not I achieve the goal doesn't really matter for me, the point is to have my goals written down so I see them often and keep them in my mind.

My Goals for 2020:

I like to include goals both for things I enjoy doing (playing video games and crafts) and for goals that give me health benefits (cycling and learning new skills). I want to cycle daily as it helps my arthritis in my knees and I want to learn some new skills as I've had a mental list of things I want to find out more about for years. You might think I wouldn't need a goal for enjoyable things but for me setting a goal helps me make time and prioritise the things I want to do.

I keep my list adaptable, nothing is set in stone. If my exercise bike breaks and I have to exercise a different way I'll switch my goal to something doable. If halfway through the year I'm not enjoying reading from different genres then I'll just stop and go back to murder mysteries!

I don't want my goals to make me feel bad if I don't achieve them but I do want to stay aware of how I spend my free time.

This system works for me and so I wanted to share it with you, maybe you'll give it a go and find it works for you too!

However you spend 2020, I hope it's a year filled with love, health and fun. Happy New Year!

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