I love everything about Taskmaster! The show, the book and now the board game. It's just the kind of silly nonsense I like to spend my time doing.
I got the board game from my sister Cas (also a Taskmaster fan) for my birthday and I was interested to see how they'd adapt it for playing at home.
The first task is to draw yourself for your leader board picture. Me, JD and Erin from left to right.
The game set up is quick and easy, just place the cards on the places named on them.
We each had to pick a Secret Task card and this was a task we had to do throughout the game without being called out. I had to obsessively tidy things during the game. No-one noticed because I usually do that anyway. Erin's was to eat and drink noisily which we also didn't notice. I forget what JD's was as he didn't manage to do it.
You take it in turns to be the Taskmaster placing the golden statue wherever you want to pick a card from and then read aloud the task. I went first and the task was to draw around your hand on paper and then turn the handprint into a self portrait.
This is Erin's hand self portrait. |
JD's hand self portrait
I chose JD as the winner because his finger face was quite accurate, haha!
There were all kinds of tasks during the game. It's quite casual as you can play as many rounds as you like so if you want a quicker game, no problem.
JD and I had to compete in getting into bed in the fewest steps possible. Our bedroom is up two flights of stairs! After a brave effort by me of getting there in 23 steps, JD smashed it by getting there in 14.
JD and I were tasked with changing the colour of milk to as bright a colour as possible. Harder than you'd think. I used red food colouring on the left to make a feeble light pink. JD poured tomato ketchup in his milk and won even though he made us all feel a bit sick.
Other tasks included making the smallest sandwich possible, collecting as many blue things to fit into the box lid as you could and putting your finger in something in the fridge least likely to be recognised.
The tasks were all well thought out to include things you'd likely have in your house. It's the most fun board game I've ever played, instead of sitting at the table playing you're running around the house trying to solve tasks.
I can't wait to play it more.
Taskmaster excitement has also leaked into the weekly video chat with my sisters. We've started doing a task when we chat. This week we had to eat the best picture out of a slice of bread.
Caroline made this picture titled 'Bread Boy' who seemed to have a bit of a club foot amongst other problems.
This ambitious scene by Sally includes a house, tree and sun with several rays.
This poor effort by me is of a tree flanked by two bushes. Impossible to choose a winner with such talent. Next week we're going to try reveal the most surprising thing from an upturned mug. Wish us luck!
So yeah, it's a lot of fun. Buy it, play it, enjoy it!
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