Jackbox Party Pack is a video game series we've been enjoying on the Xbox. There's been 6 collections so far and we've played 2 and 3. Each one is a collection of 5 games for a group to play and they're really fun!
Instead of needing lots of Xbox controllers everyone can play through their phone. You can have up to 8 people playing which would be expensive if you needed controllers for that many people.
Earwax | | | | |
My favourite game is Earwax (from Pack 2). You're all given a prompt and you have to choose from a selection of sound effects to make the most amusing and appropriate response. You all take it in turns to be the judge and pick your favourite. The sound effects are hilarious and we've had a lot of fun playing Earwax.
Faking It |
Faking It is another great game (from Pack 3). Everyone is asked to do something such as hold up fingers to answer a question or point at someone in the room. One person is a Faker and they have to try watch what everyone else is doing and act like they know what's going on. I was the faker and everyone was holding up fingers as to how tall they were in feet. I had no idea and held up 3 fingers and they all immediately knew I was the Faker. Another time Erin put her hand up to say she'd measured a penis so we knew she was Faking It.
Quiplash (pack 2) has you trying to wittily answer prompts to get the most votes for funny answers. It's sometimes hard to think of answers but we've had some hilarious ones when we've played it.
All the games are fun, silly and quick to play making for a pretty good time. There are games that have you drawing stuff, designing catchy slogans for t-shirts, defusing bombs as a team and much more.
Ratings: JD - 5, Emma - 5, Val - 4, Erin -4
Pretty high scoring! We'll be working our way through the series trying out all the games as it makes for great family time :)