Saturday, September 26, 2020

Sourdough September

Since 2013 September has been known as Sourdough September to encourage people to have a go at making their own Sourdough Bread. It's just the sort of thing I like to have a go at so I'm attempting to make my own Sourdough Starter.

It looks like a complicated affair. Feeding a little jar of gloop every day for a week in the hope that it will grow and make delicious bread. Keep everything crossed for me.

It was a great excuse to use a kilner jar (of which I have several waiting for a use!) I carefully weighed out the flour and water (100g of each). Wholemeal flour to start with and bottled water. Gave them a mix and lightly covered it with clingfilm as instructed.

I set an alarm on my phone for the next day so I'd remember to check it for bubbles or any activity if I'm honest.

There were bubbles! I'm so excited, this might actually work. I threw half away and fed it on the 3rd day by adding 60g each of water and flour (white flour for feeding). And same again on the 4th day. It was very frothy looking on the 4th day and had almost doubled in size. What have I created? 

I got used to the routine of feeding the starter and seeing it grow then shrink back when it was hungry ready for feeding the next day. It kind of reminded me of the 90s and having a Tamagotchi pet! On day 7 it was ready to use.

I used the recipe on BBC Food to make my bread.

We all enjoyed the result. Tasty bread biologically leavened by my own homegrown sourdough starter. I'm so proud of it!

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