Saturday, November 7, 2020

A to Z Blogging Challenge: K is for Kitchen

We enjoy making food so I've decided for K to make a list of 10 things we get a lot of use from in our kitchen. 10 appliances or utensils that make things easier for us.

1. Slow Cooker

We get so much use out of our slow cooker. Shown in the picture with a chicken, spring green and chickpea soup. We make soups, stews, meatloaf, lasagne, curry, desserts and much more. I always check when I'm making something if it has a slow cooker version because I just love making a meal when I'm full of energy in the morning and coming back to a ready-made tea at 5.30. Plus, the house smells lovely all day!

2. Crockery Stand

We've got quite a small kitchen in our house so creative storage ideas are always a hit with us. This crockery stand doesn't take up much space in the corner of the counter but holds all our dinner plates, side plates and dishes. I really like how it looks too. The crockery is easy to access and using this stand saves space in the kitchen cabinets.

3. Casserole Dish

For years I wanted one of the Le Creuset casserole dishes but they're so expensive. JD bought me a cheaper alternative and I love it. It adds a nice splash of colour to the kitchen and I've used it a lot. We have a 'date night' meal every Tuesday when JD and I get the dining room to ourselves for an hour or so. I usually make us something in the casserole dish and it's really handy how you can start on the hob then transfer it to the oven to finish off.

4. Cutlery Drainer

I can't remember where he came from but our elephant drainer is great. Throw wet cutlery in his back and the excess water drains out of his trunk. A well designed kitchen thing that works.

5. Bluetooth Speaker

Not technically a kitchen gadget but it gets used in the kitchen the most out of any room. We had to buy this one to replace the one stolen when we got burgled last year. I really like to listen to music or a podcast when washing up, baking or prepping the slow cooker ingredients. 

6. Toastie Maker

It's actually a combo toaster, waffle maker and panini press but it gets used most to make toasties. Erin uses it most to make cheese toasties for her and sometimes Val when she's feeling generous. She also discovered a way to make cheese quesadillas in it which works really well. It was a gift for the family from JD's Dad a few years ago and it's had lots of use since.

7. Sieve

JD bought this huge sieve recently to use as a splash guard for when we make marinara sauce (which we make a lot) and it works perfectly. We just sit it on top of the pot when the marinara sauce is cooking and it stops that fine film of red sauce splotches covering everything as it bubbles and reduces. 

8. Smoothie Maker

I've had this smoothie maker a few years now but I still get plenty of use out of it. Maybe 3-4 mornings a week I have a smoothie for breakfast. You can buy such a lot of frozen prepped fruit now that it's really easy to make a smoothie in a couple of minutes plus they're so delicious. I also use it occasionally for making a milkshake or to blitz a tin of tomatoes.

9. Tassimo Drinks Maker

My sister Sally was telling me once about her boss who had bought a specialised Hot Chocolate Maker and we both said how decadent that was as it only made 1 drink. After thinking about it more I realised that I'd really enjoy having a drinks machine even though the only hot drink I'd make was hot chocolate. So I browsed eBay and found this one for only £10. Now once a week I treat myself to a really nice hot chocolate made by the Tassimo machine. I've bought some nice syrups too so I can have caramel or praline flavoured hot chocolate. I love it! 

10. Plastic Scraper

This unassuming blue plastic scraper gets used a lot by JD for scraping out mixing bowls before he washes up. We use it to scrape out the bowl when baking and to scrape the counter after making bread too. It cost something like 70p and we've had it for years but it gets used often.

I hope you've enjoyed reading about our favourite kitchen items. What utensil or appliance gets used the most in your kitchen?

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