Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Year of Learning - British Sign Language


In October I'm going to be learning British Sign Language (BSL). I already had this on my list for the year and coincidentally in JD's new job at Henshaw's supporting autistic students at the college, he'll be learning BSL too. 

I started on the British Sign Language website to browse their resources.

I found that they do an online course and right now because of Covid it's a pay as you feel system. I paid and signed up for it, as I like structured learning such as this. It's really good, with a series of videos showing each sign in different categories such as places, jobs, colours, animals, greetings etc. There's a test at the end of each section so you can see how you're doing.

I printed out and put up a copy of the BSL alphabet so we could see it often. We sometimes go around the table at tea taking in turns to do the next letter and we've all got quite good at it. Not that you'd guess from this video!

The grammar of BSL is different to what we're used to. Instead of saying 'What is your name? you sign 'Name you what? And instead of 'My name is Emma' you sign 'Name me what? Emma'. As demonstrated in the below video.

We've also learned lots of colours and animals.

We've both really enjoyed learning BSL and we're going to carry on with the course, which is quite extensive. It's a good skill to learn, especially for JD as he'll be using it daily at work. 

Next month we're both taking part in National Novel Writing Month so I guess I'll be learning how to write a novel in November (the hard way!).

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