Saturday, October 17, 2020

Family Fun - Guinness World Records again


We've had a go at trying some records before, hence my face being covered in post it notes in the banner above!

This time we'll be trying a few more (spoiler, we didn't break any! haha)

Eating Smarties with Chopsticks

The record is for 65 smarties eaten with chopsticks in a minute. We didn't quite manage that but JD did the best with 24, I got 15 and Erin managed 8. It's much harder than it looks!

Most Spoons on Face

The record is 17 spoons hung on the face!! JD and I managed 3 each and Erin did 2. JD discovered it was easier if you rub your face with a towel first. Still don't think we'd ever get to 17 though!

Most Dominoes Stacked in 30 seconds

This is a risky task. Go too fast and you could easily knock down what you already built up. Or go too slow and you've no chance of beating the record. Which is 48 dominoes! Luckily we came nowhere near because we only had 28 dominoes anyway, haha. JD and I managed 17 each and Erin got 11.

Most Grapes Caught in Mouth

Throwing grapes into your own mouth this time and the record is 34 in 30 seconds. To save on wasted grapes we tried to do it with the same grape but they went all over the place. It was really funny. I did 7, JD did 6 and Erin did 4. There's probably still some under the dining table!

Toilet Roll Unravelling

This one was the most pointless fun we've had. Unravelling a toilet roll with one hand in the fastest time. Erin went first and used an impressive spiral technique I wish I'd got a video of. She did it in 42 seconds.

JD went next and managed it in 36 seconds.

It was quite a beautiful thing to watch. It's not as easy as they made it look though and I took 50 seconds to unravel mine. The record is 9.8 seconds! I was the quickest at rolling the toilet roll back up so as not to waste it. Now we have some weird fluffy toilet rolls to use up!

All in all it was great fun but I don't see us getting in the Guinness World Records any time soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. You are all so hilarious, and you have the absolute best fun! I think I need you to consider adopting me. ;)


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