Saturday, April 25, 2020

My Lockdown Breakfasts

One of the ways we've been advised to keep healthy during lockdown is to create a routine. With no work it's harder to get up in a morning and easy to slide into staying in bed, skipping breakfast and feeling lethargic.

I've set myself a morning routine of trying to get my cycling exercise done and be showered ready to have breakfast by 9am. It's not really early but it's doable for me. This gives me more time to make myself a nice breakfast. Usually when I'm working breakfast can be rushed and I often just have the same thing. I'm using this time to enjoy breakfast more.

Greek yoghurt, granola, raspberries and honey.

I try to eat my breakfast mindfully. Breakfast is great for giving you plenty of energy to start the day but also food should be enjoyed for the pleasure it gives you. Like the taste of tart raspberries with the sweetness of honey. The smell of peanut butter with banana. The crunch of granola or the brightness of berries on your plate. Food can make you feel satisfied physically but also mentally if you try to eat foods you love and that make you feel happy.

Sliced banana and peanut butter on seeded toast.

I feel health and nutrition advice mostly focuses on the physical benefits of food but not much is said about the mental lift you can get from eating cake like your Nana used to make or eating the ice cream flavour you used to always get when on holiday with your family as a kid. Food is a great comfort in times like this. Making yourself a snack of food you love is self-care for your stressed over-thinking brain.

Porridge with raspberries and honey.

I don't know about you but food shopping has been a really fraught experience for me lately. Going to the supermarket gives me so much to think about. Getting the food we need for the week, being around other people in a way I can't fully control, touching products other people have touched, trying not to touch my face, things I want being out of stock. It's low key constant stress.

Mackerel, egg and spinach on seeded toast.

Yes, we're being advised to keep fit and healthy during lockdown but that means our mental health too. Be kind to yourself! Don't beat yourself up if you eat something that gives you joy. Don't feel guilty, eat it mindfully and savour each bite. Feel pleased that by enjoying food you're coping during a global pandemic.

I'm going to continue to enjoy my lovely breakfasts until I run out of ideas. Let me know if you have a delicious breakfast I can try xx

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