Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Almost the summer holidays...

This time of year almost drives me crazy. It's just a few weeks until school is finished for summer and I find myself wishing it was already here. For a few reasons:

Being a thrifty (tight) and conscientious shopper (tight) makes me obsessively avoid buying any new uniform despite how much it's needed. The kids complain of tight trousers or worn out shoes but it falls on deaf ears. We MUST make it to the end of term without buying any new uniform. I sewed a hole in Erin's school trousers and glued Leigh's school shoes so now there's just 19 school days left for them to get through. Any normal person would just buy what they need, but not me. It's like a personal challenge every year. Come on! We can make it. :D

The last month of school term always feels like a whirlwind of activity. School plays, sports days, awards ceremonies, dressing up days, bun sales, summer fayre, leaving assembly etc etc. My mind is always full of trying to remember as the kids go off to school if there's something they're supposed to take or be dressed like. Why can't they spread these activities out a bit instead of filling the last few weeks of term with a myriad (approximately) of stuff to do. My current missions are helping Erin learn school play lines and scouring charity shops for either something yellow or cycling wear. Argh!

The kids are tired. I see them flagging towards the end of term every year (somewhat less as they get older but still). They're ready for the holidays and can't wait to be off school. I feel the same. Especially this year as we're having a holiday in America to visit family. We're all looking forward to days not getting up so early and plenty of time to spend together on days out. Roll on the summer holidays. :)

P.S. Due to a lack of photos to go with this post I've included some old school uniform pictures of the kids to embarrass them. After all that's one of the main joys of being a parent!


  1. LOVE the photos. Ha ha haa! That second one is priceless.


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