Saturday, August 15, 2020

App Review - Tasty

As far as I'm concerned Tasty is the ultimate cookbook. My pet peeve with cookbooks is they often don't have enough pictures, sometimes not even a picture of the finished dish. But with tasty you get a whole video as well as an ingredient list and written method. It's pretty great!

I've made quite a lot of foods from Tasty over the last couple of years. It's great for fun recipes the kids will like as well as some delicious dessert ideas.

Here are some of the recipes we've enjoyed:

Pretzel Dogs

Hot dogs wrapped in pizza dough makes for a quick, fun meal. It's basically a glorified hot dog. We enjoyed them anyway!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls

These were delicious, moreish but a little bit too sweet. You can only eat a couple at once. It was tough but we managed to eat them all.

Pizza Bombs

I've cross posted these on my Pizza post but they're worth mentioning again!

A really nice way to get your pizza fix. Pizza dough filled with pepperoni, sauce and mozzarella. Delicious!

Mini Peanut Butter Cheesecakes

These little cuties are fantastic. So easy to make but really delicious. The cheesecake base is made with ritz crackers giving a little salty taste to them. We all really enjoyed them.

If a recipe has Nutella in it, you know it's going to be a winner. These turnovers are so easy to make with bought puff pastry in a roll and go great with a bit of whipped cream.

I've used the Tasty App a lot and the majority of recipes work out really well. I like how watching the videos gives you a clear idea of how much effort a recipe is. I can't count how many times I haven't read through a recipe properly beforehand and got stuck halfway through. With a video to watch you know everything that is involved. It's a great way to add variety to your meals as the recipes seem endless with dishes from all over the world included.

And it's all free! A very thrifty way to try some new foods out on your family!

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