Saturday, August 8, 2020

Burger It 38: Ramly Burger

Ramly are a Malaysian fast food company and their signature burger is wrapped in an egg omelet. They started off selling the burgers from street food stalls but have grown in popularity so much that they span Malaysia. Sounds like a burger I'd like to try!

If you want to make one follow this recipe with good instructions --> Link to recipe!

I was slightly nervous about the egg aspect of this recipe because our non-stick frying pan is losing it's non-stickness a bit so it's hit and miss if egg sticks to it or not.

Luckily for me it worked perfectly this time!

Beat an egg (or two if like me the egg seems a bit small) and tip the pan so it spreads out. It cooks quickly only a minute or two.

Add your cooked burger to the centre of the egg. Fold the egg around the burger like you're wrapping a burger parcel to send to a friend. I don't know about you but I do that about twice a week on average!

Pop your burger parcel in a bread bun and add any other toppings you like such as tomato, onion, etc

I liked the Ramly burger, the egg wrap gave the whole burger a nice texture and added some moistness. I wish I'd thought to add cheese to the egg when I cooked it, that would've been even better in my opinion. Next time. Overall though we were impressed with how easy it was to make and it looks great.

Ratings: JD - 3, Emma - 3

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